At The Argus, Harding, from the age of 11, learned the basics of the newspaper business. In 1870, the Harding family, who were abolitionists, moved to Caledonia, where Tryon acquired The Argus, a local weekly newspaper. In 2015, genetic testing of Harding's descendants determined, with more than a 95% chance of accuracy, that he lacked sub-Saharan African forebears within four generations. His great-great-grandfather Amos Harding claimed that a thief, who had been caught in the act by the family, started the rumor in an attempt at extortion or revenge. It was rumored by a political opponent in Blooming Grove that one of Harding's great-grandmothers was African American. Harding also had ancestors from England, Wales and Scotland. Some of Harding's maternal ancestors were Dutch, including the wealthy Van Kirk family. Through apprenticeship and a year of medical school, Tryon became a doctor and started a small practice. Tryon farmed and taught school near Mount Gilead. Nicknamed "Winnie" as a small child, he was the eldest of eight children born to George Tryon Harding (1843–1928 usually known as Tryon) and Phoebe Elizabeth (née Dickerson) Harding (1843–1910). Warren Harding was born on November 2, 1865, in Blooming Grove, Ohio.

Fall, and his Attorney General, Harry Daugherty, were each later tried for corruption in office. Harding released political prisoners who had been arrested for their opposition to World War I. A major foreign policy achievement came with the Washington Naval Conference of 1921–1922, in which the world's major naval powers agreed on a naval limitations program that lasted a decade. Harding appointed a number of respected figures to his cabinet, including Andrew Mellon at Treasury, Herbert Hoover at Commerce, and Charles Evans Hughes at the State Department. Cox, to become the first sitting senator elected president. He promised a return to normalcy of the pre- World War I period, and won in a landslide over Democrat James M. He conducted a front porch campaign, remaining mostly in Marion, and allowed the people to come to him. When the leading candidates could not garner a majority, and the convention deadlocked, support for Harding increased, and he was nominated on the tenth ballot.

Harding ran for the Republican nomination for president in 1920, but was considered a long shot before the convention. He was defeated for governor in 1910, but was elected to the United States Senate in 1914, the state's first direct election for that office. Harding served in the Ohio State Senate from 1900 to 1904, and was lieutenant governor for two years. As a young man, he bought The Marion Star and built it into a successful newspaper. Harding lived in rural Ohio all his life, except when political service took him elsewhere. After his death, a number of scandals were exposed, including Teapot Dome, as well as an extramarital affair with Nan Britton, which diminished his regard.

He was a member of the Republican Party and one of the most popular sitting U.S. Warren Gamaliel Harding (Novem– August 2, 1923) was the 29th president of the United States serving from 1921 until his death in 1923.