This Salesforce developer online test can be taken by candidates from anywhere in the comfort of their time zone. It will help you in making the right hiring decisions and selecting a job-fit candidate. The analytics in this Salesforce coding test will provide you with a detailed analysis of skills related strengths & weaknesses of the candidates. The reports of the Salesforce programming test results are generated instantly. Our Salesforce Online Test helps recruiters and hiring managers to quantify the technical skills of candidates especially if they can customize and configure various Salesforce modules. The assessment is created & validated by global Subject Matter Experts (SME) to assess and hire Salesforce developers as per the industry standards.

The Ant Migration Tool is especially useful in the following scenarios. Background Per Salesforce, the ANT Migration Tool is a 'command-line utility for moving metadata between a. Ant Migration Tool The Ant Migration Tool is a Java/Ant-based command-line utility for moving metadata between a local directory and a Salesforce Org. Anyway, Ive tracked down what seems to be at least a. The lib directory is located in the root folder of your Ant installation. If you installed a previous version of the tool and copied ant-salesforce.jar to the Ant lib directory, delete the previous jar file. I was also surprised to learn that its not formally part of the Metadata API, commonly used by the Ant tools under the covers. The Ant Migration Tool uses the ant-salesforce.jar file that’s in the distribution.